Provisional Awards

San Diego County Orchid Society Orchids in the Park, San Diego, CA, October 29, 2016

Zelenkoa onusta ‘Tina’ AM/AOS 82 pts.
© Arnold Gum 2016
Plant Name: Zelenkoa onusta ‘Tina’ AM/AOS 82 pts.

Natural Spread Horizontal: 3.1 cm Vertical: 3.7 cm
Dorsal Sepal
Width: 0.4 cm Length: 1.0 cm
Petal Width: 1.4 cm Length: 1.6 cm
Lateral Sepal (Synsepal): Width: 0.7 cm Length: 1.4 cm
Lip (Pouch): Width: 2.8 cm Length: 2.1 cm

Description: Fifty-three flowers and twenty-five buds on three 71-cm gracefully arching inflorescences; sepals yellow, midvein green, margin picotee light brown; petals bright yellow, proximally spotted light brown midvein light green; lip bright yellow, white basally, calli yellow proximally, white distally, spotted light brown; column bright yellow; substance light; texture crystalline.
Exhibitor: Kay Klausing
Laeliocattleya Cherry Plum ‘Estela’ AM/AOS 82 pts.
© Arnold Gum 2016
Plant Name: Laeliocattleya Cherry Plum ‘Estela’ AM/AOS 82 pts.
(C. tigrina x L. schultzei)

Natural Spread Horizontal: 12.2 cm Vertical: 11.0 cm
Dorsal Sepal
Width: 1.6 cm Length: 6.5 cm
Petal Width: 1.9 cm Length: 6.1 cm
Lateral Sepal (Synsepal): Width: 1.6 cm Length: 5.6 cm
Lip (Pouch): Width: 2.3 cm Length: 4.6 cm

Description: Twelve flowers on one erect 34.0-cm inflorescence; sepals and petals cream brushed light brown medially, dark brown marginally; lip white, side lobes transitioning to bright lavender apically, lavender veining progressing from under the column out on to the midlobe coalescing distally; column white lightly brushed dorsally; substance firm; texture glossy.
Exhibitor: Pedro Sanchez